06 April 2006

I Have A Dream

I hear that there is a group of Islamists that wish to create a "seperate but equal" enclave here in the states where they can better follow the Sharia without the interference of our infidel laws.

If the Fuckweasels allow this, I want an enclave of my own. Imagine a place where the Constitution is followed without interference from the Fuckweasels.

I have an even better idea, lets scrap what we have now and make the whole damn nation a place where the Constitution is in force. As if it were the Supreme Law of the land. Imagine.

If Mexicans are so damn hot to be in the USA, I say lets take the USA to them! Annex the place. Make them all Americans. With some judicious slaughter of some our dumber anti-business laws, which are unconstitutional anyway, an annexation of Mexico would be good for both nations.

If Moslems are so hot to blow up our shit, we should blow their shit up right back. They hit something important to us, like say a World Trade Center, we should pop Mecca. Hit the fucks where they live. They wanna be medieval? Fine, I can support that. I don't think anyone has ever done a medieval invasion with modern weapons. Move over Ghengis, you will be remembered as a piker if we ever get pissed enough. And I am there NOW. I am not alone and the numbers are growing.

DC is increasing its irrelevance with the average American. How long before we notice that if we just start ignoring them and start a new Government without them we will be better off. I wonder if we will have to kill mountains of them of if we can just stop sending money.

Lest I come off as a racist, and I'm sure I do, let me explain.

I think the best way to end an US vs THEM mentality is to make a THEM an US. I'm an American, and I think that America should be for Americans. Black-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Scottish-Americans (me), German-Americans, Jewish-Americans, Catholic-Americans, Moslem-Americans (if its possible), Chinese-Americans, N-Americans. Those are all AMERICANS with a different flavor. That's the stuff that made America great. The stuff that allowed us to go from a backwater colony to the leader of the free world in less than 200 years. A united Germany is about the same age and they didn't mangage to become much more than another European nation, and they still aren't.

What did we do different? First, we allowed just about anyone from somewhere else to move here. Second, through some impressive intolerance and bigotry we demanded that the newbies became Americans, and this insured that their kids would be Americans. Third, we dismantled the culture they brought with them, filed off the serial numbers and added the parts we liked to our own culture. That's the "Melting Pot" in a nutshell.

We did not allow permanent enclaves of "others", let alone allow them to expand.

I am not saying that it was implemented perfectly. The problems of Blacks come right to mind. Racism prevented them from assimilating fully, and now many don't want to be a part of what they see as a "white" culture. The racism is mostly cured, but the scars remain.

I don't advocate completely abandoning your native culture to come here. St Paddy's day is fun. Cinco de Mayo is fun. Mardis Gras is fun. I cite the Jews as a good example of living by their own rules but still being Americans.

Mexico, African and Islam might have some cultural components that would be really nice to add to our own, but they have to be melted in the crucible and the slag must be skimmed off and discarded. Just like everyone else who moved here to become an American, no matter how long ago.

At the end of it all if you wish to remain a THEM, stay home.

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