24 April 2006

Repetition Is Fun

I have had a recurring thought.

Should the US decide that there will be no more Islam, we could do it. And unlike the Nazi vs Jew holocaust, the Moslems have made it clear publicly that they want all us Westerners dead or converted (except the Jews which get to just be dead).

My mind is skidding around this. Genocide, with the moral high-ground. It boggles! The complete eradication of a culture, and it would be self defence.

I have long thought our foreign policy should be based on what the other country says we act like. Iran says we murder babies in the street, OK. Dead babies on the menu. I am also convinced that we could develop a weapon that only killed babies that are actually in the streets, sparing those merely on the sidewalks or indoors.

Iran is currently trying real hard to get nukes and doing the nation-state equivalent to waving a loaded gun around a crowded room. If this was just a single nut in a gymnasium, there is no question the moral and legal thing to do is cap the whacko. Problem is, if we cap Iran, we're pretty much going to have to eliminate Islam. And given the choice between Islam and my culture, I pick my culture and will not weep if there are no more Moslems. Of course, their future is in their hands. They pop a nuke on us and our response is automatic. It will not be cycled through public opinion polls. We have enough to eliminate the much larger Soviet Union, their allies and China for good measure. Iran? Prepare to fire 2% of the missles, turn key to the right on my count, 3, 2, 1 TURN... And Iran should consider that we still have those subs with missles too. The commander of a boomer is not required to confirm a TACAMO generated fire mission.

This is a recurring thought.

And if we have to kill them all, there will be no reason not to make the middle east our own private gas supply too.

This is beginning to look like a win-win...

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