04 May 2008

The Rules

Skeezer had a short list of rules about what kind of car he'd own.

1. If it's green, it's not mine.
2. If it's a four door, it's not mine.
3. If it's front wheel drive, it's not mine.
4. If it's Japanese, it's not mine.
5. If it's not a V-8, it's not mine.
6. If it's a Ford, it's not mine.

Please note, it's impossible to break all the rules. It's extremely difficult to break 5 rules and still have a worth-while car. Worthwhile from a hot-rodder point of view, not a commuter.

My rules:

1. No more Fords. Damn Escort.
2. No more Mercurys. Damn Lynx.
3. Yellow is not a good Hot Rod color.
4. No matter the technical advantages of an automatic transmission, real rodders row their own.
5. Do not fear electronic fuel injection. No reason to not have horsepower and drivability.
6. Overdrives are good things. Poor mileage is not something to be proud of.
7. Wheels x 2 = Minimum number of cylinders. Works with motorcycles too.
8. Red interiors are just wrong.

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