29 August 2010

Truth In Sentencing

I wish to renew my strenuous objection to lifetime bans to owning firearms for felons.

If we feel we cannot trust someone with a gun, I don't think we can trust them outside of a prison.

If I can trust them with knives, gasoline or behind the wheel of a tractor trailer then we can trust them with a gun too.


29th-Aug-2010 06:13 pm (local) ravenclaw_eric

Particularly in the case of nonviolent felons. I wouldn't trust Bernie Madoff with a dime (I'd be sure he'd steal it) but I wouldn't hesitate trusting him with a gun. Of course, being a Noo Yawker, he'd hold it out by the tip of the barrel and scream "EWWW---I'll get gun cooties!"

Instead of "felon vs. misdemeanant," what we need is "violent or non-violent" distinctions. Patrick Purdy was able to buy the guns he used because he'd always been able to plead down to misdemeanors.

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