29 June 2013


Cracker.  Cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker !


Paddy.  Paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy paddy!

Cracker, is just as racially charged as CENSORED, yet its use doesn't routinely lead to claims of victimhood or violence.

WOP and paddy used to lead to violence.  The Italians and Irish are now fully assimilated into the landscape, so the vicious distinctions are footnotes.  In many places it was better to be black than Irish.  I've seen a photo of a storefront sign, "No dogs or Irish.  CENSORED and Chinese OK."  Consider why the van that collects arrestees in mass is called a "paddy-wagon" sometime.

I am not sure if I should say "Chink" over and over.  The Chinese were discriminated against quite fully in the 1800s.  That discrimination just isn't apparent now.  They too have assimilated into the American fabric and have something in common with blacks, physical characteristics that they cannot change.  Yet somehow racism against Asians is very uncommon.

I very nearly said "Kike" over and over; I'm just not sure that anti-semitism is dead and that Jews have reached the same level of acceptance as, say, Chinese.  I think they have, but I am not sure.

I was going to use "Spick" but that one is coming back thanks to our politicians flat ignoring us on immigration.

I sometimes wonder if there are people who benefit greatly from the perpetuation of bigotry, or at least benefit from there being an appearance of bigotry.  I especially wonder this when I see that Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Kweis Mfume are all quite wealthy.

I wonder if the racism they say is prevalent is actually so when people such as Bill Cosby, Morgan Freeman, Chris Rock, Chris Tucker, Ice Cube, Ice Tee and many others have successful careers.


  1. They use it to be the life long victims, I kinda like americoon ...........;-)

  2. I don't use racial or ethnic slurs.

    When all is said and done the slur boils down to "asshole" or "prick" and it takes an individual to earn those so why not use an individual insult?

  3. I am a person who busts ppl's balls at work, I was talking to a black guy who knows me well, and told him if ppl would go by content of character instead of color or race, we'd all get along better, he agreed. That's the problem, with the victim class, then they couldn't milk their color for all its worth..........


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