04 June 2013


Fix Syria?


I'm in, send the Marines, and FIX Syria.

That's going to mean eliminating the cultures that are presently holding it in a broken state and replacing them with a culture that isn't brutally dangerous.

This is why Iraq is not fixed.

We didn't do anything but knock over the people in charge and hand control over to people with no cultural heritage of democracy to be democratic about it.

For Fuck's sake, people, this had even been tried before.  Die Weimarer Republik.  A republican form of government takes some education on the part of the voters and it's damn hard to leap into it cold.

German commoners couldn't make the leap in one step and that gave us a brand new word!  Genocide.

I propose that the US foreign policy be that we will buy what you have to sell, we will sell what you will buy and we will otherwise ignore you.  If it becomes impossible for us to ignore you, you're gone.  The place you used to live will be a new US Territory and eventually a state and part of the USA.  It seems the only way to get anywhere with the middle east is to eradicate the toxic cultures that thrive there.

Or, you can just make sure we can ignore you.

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