17 January 2006

Idiocy Abounds

Some of my dear readers remember Dumbass and Escapee. They are in the middle of a very messy divorce. They both have blogs. Do I need to fill in the rest?

The son of a friend was beaten near to death Sunday night. He used to be in a gang, he had actually gotten out. The problem with having once been in a gang is the other gangs might not accept your resignation. SIGH. TJ is in a coma, he might not wake up, and if he does there is a high likelyhood that he will no longer be TJ.

By the way, if you are or used to be in a gang, the police do not give a fuck about you. There will be no legal justice done here. But they may have awakened the wrong sleeping giant, TJ's dad is ex-spec forces. I can see this having a happy ending after all.

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