18 January 2006

Compare Contrast Time (A Wandering Rant)

Find someone who was obviously not born in the US.

Ask them for their green card.

I am willing to bet that unless your candidate is Hispanic, that card will be produced with a proud flourish! Or they will tell you the exact date they became a citizen.

Of course, some of the surliness is odd. A goodly chunk of the "Puerto Ricans" in the US were actually born in the US and wouldn't need a green card anyway. That means NOT born in Puerto Rico! IIRC someone born in a US territory doesn't need a green card either. Based on the level of English seen in their community, I would think that PR wasn't a US territory. For a contrast with another territory go look at American Samoa and Guam. English is the preferred language there, most of the residents are truly bilingual.

I know, shut my racist ass up.

My goal is America for Americans. You do not have to be born here to be an American. But if you live here, you should become one. If you work here you should become one. If you live and work here and wish to remain a Mexican or Canadian or Indian, stay home. And in the case of India, the jobs are coming to you, why come here?

Why do I think they should stay home? Becuase what we are getting in the Southwest is a Mexican Colony! Miami is now the most populous city in Cuba. There are more Spanish speaking Puerto Ricans in New York City than all of Puerto Rico for chrissake!

We have a family from ex-Soviet Georgia living not too far from here. They are AMERICAN. I was born here and I am just American. That's the kind of immigrant we need here. The parents might have thick accents, but they are speaking English most of the time and are intelligible. Could this be because they want to be Americans? Unlike their predecessors in that house, the PR family from New Jersey, who don't want to be American so bad they don't even register that they have never even been to Puerto Rico.

You don't wanna be an American? Fine with me, leave. There must be some reason that people are flocking here instead of Haiti. I am going to come right out and say it. Perhaps the reason that you left your homeland is because is being run by people who aren't Americans? Think about why you left home before you try to make here just like it.

Next time you hear someone talking about how much it sucks to be here because of how hard we treat their poor minority ass, offer them a ticket to ANYWHERE ELSE. One way. Even the South at it's worst KKK worshipping mode is preferable to Africa to virtually every Black, or there would be an exodus wouldn't there?

By the way, "BLACK" is not meant to mean anything bad. I have lost track of which euphenism is PC, so I have settled on Black as a descriptive term for a person of African descent with negroid genealogy. In no way do I intend "black" as a euphemism for "CENSORED". Speaking of which, I gather that the rapidly changing descriptive has a lot to do with English being able to make any word mean something else by they way you say it. Here's a clue, if I can make "valedictorian" into "CENSORED" by inflection, then I can make any word mean something racially derogatory and there is no term that you can apply that will keep me from slurring you. By changing the euphemism every five years or so, you give power to the racists by letting them take words away from their proper meaning.

But changing the meaning of words is what the PC crowd is all about. Remember: If you cannot say what you mean, you cannot mean what you say.

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