04 June 2010

There are quite a few gun vendors that no longer do business with anyone in California. The reasons for doing so vary from person to person, but it boils down to California having stupid gun laws.

In more than one comment thread you'll find a Californian being angry about the seller's refusal to do business with them. Occasionally this will also include a reciprocal refusal to buy from this vendor in the future.

Wow, that's convenient, you aren't going to buy from someone who is not going to sell you anything. You sure put him in his place. Yup, sure showed him!


4th-Jun-2010 12:50 pm (local) weerdbeard

I'm against vendors refusing to put guns on the market as a "Protest". They are simply cutting down on people who will buy ANY guns behind enemy lines. Of course I understand the expense and PITA of playing the game, and won't request a company LOOSE money by attempting to sell guns behind enemy lines.

The better example should be companies refusing to sell, service, or honor warranty form government contracts out of Cali, given that the gun-control pigs write loopholes for their lackeys, so they can oppress the people, but keep their necks safe.

Also not all vendors sell JUST guns, or sell items covered under dumb laws. I can buy a Kimber Rimfire conversion kit for my 1911, no sweat. I could consider not buying from them tho because they won't do business with Massachusetts. Or because they sell guns to the LA PD. Kimber also makes bolt-action rifles that aren't restricted under our goofy laws, don't know about Cali.

So it can be done, I don't know how I stand on it tho. I do like the people who give the finger to the .gov in favor of the private market. It seems to be the opposite of people like Colt or H&K who seem to only really care about government contracts rather than the individual buyer.

Jun-2010 06:30 pm (local) mcthag

The most common place I see a refusal to do business with California is an FFL selling on Gunbroker.

I've long felt that the gun manufacturers should stop selling to the minuscule market that is LEO where the laws eliminate access to the common schlub.

4th-Jun-2010 09:33 pm (local) weerdbeard

Do the FFL's express this refusal in protest, or is it like most FFLs in Northern New England do to me when I talk to them about a purchase. Most of them want to talk directly with my FFL back home before they'll transfer a gun simply because the Mass laws are so confusing and so stupid they simply can't be bothered to keep up with them for the off chance they encounter a Masshole gunnie in their shop. They know in the end there is a good chance that my FFL for whatever fucking reason our state stipulates, won't be able to complete the transfer and the gun will be returned to his shop and he'll be left holding the bag. So instead they simply refuse to bother or they want my FFL to call them and say its 100% ok for Weer'd Beard to own said gun behind enemy lines and they won't be left holding the bag if they ship the gun South.

6th-Jun-2010 02:04 am (local) mcthag
I dimly recall California attempting to make out of state vendors liable as if they were in California, like Bloomberg tried (trying?).

I don't know where that went.

So much bad in the nation got its prototype run in California that I don't send a penny there I can avoid spending in the hopes that it starves Barbara and Dianne.

I have the same feelings about NY thanks to Chuckie and Hillary.

I have less animosity towards Mass just because Kennedy was at least fun to watch. But this health care shit was attributed as his dream.

I am sick of getting fucked over by pricks from liberal bastions.

I don't mean hurt the feelings of the non-liberals who still live there; but... Look, I know it's not YOUR fault, but your neighbors are fucking idiots.

4th-Jun-2010 08:20 pm (local) ravenclaw_eric

If I were such a vendor, I'd explain: "Look, dude, it's not your fault, it's nothing personal, but your state (California, NY, NJ, etc.) has SUCH crappy laws on this subject that I really don't want to do any business with people from there. When and if you get an address in a Second-Amendment-following state, contact me and I'll be delighted to sell to you."

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