08 February 2006

God Is Dead And I Can Prove It

Totally Clueless, ex Mrs Orca Shitheel, CONVICTED OF FELONY CHILD NEGLECT has been awarded custody of her children. Dead Link Do a search for Totally Shitheel at that site. Note that she is still on probation for the crime until 2009! Three years left on her punishment for neglecting these same children and they hand them back to her? WHAT THE FUCK, OVER?

Fucking judges are just fucking stupid. Judge William Webb, when these kids are suffering because of your decisions, I hope that you at least feel guilty about what you did.

She called here and expected me to be happy for her. Totally, how am I supposed to feel happy for you when I know that you aren't going to be a good parent. I know your work schedule, and Musclebound. You are going to be gone all morning and he is gone all day. Who is going to take care of them? You don't make enough collectively to pay a daycare.

If you live in Pasco County, Florida; vote NO to Judge William Webb's retention next time he is on the ballot.

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