08 May 2006

And The Excitement Never Ends

Sunday, around 5:00, The Boy decided to slam his entire bottle of Serequel, a sleeping pill. Thirty some odd pills.

The Lovely Harvey rushed him to the hospital while I fretted at home, being next to useless in a "wait and see" situation.

The local hospital transferred him to St Joeseph's in Tampa and I met Harvey there. There was some odd logistics involved with that. She took her car to Community in New Port Richey, they transferred him by ambulance to St Joeseph's. Harvey called to tell me that and I called a friend (thanks Joe!) to give me a lift to pick up her car. I ran the 9C1 home and hopped in my car and headed down to Tampa to meet at St Joe's. When I was getting close I called her cell to ask what room they were in. They had not left yet! They were still waiting on the ambulance. This was about 8:00. So I went to bother my buddy Marv while I waited for Harvey to call and tell me that they were on the way. She called just after 11 and got to the hospital at almost exactly midnight. Dunno why it took the hospital three hours to find an ambulance.

The good news is that it's almost impossible to kill yourself with these things. But they still wanted to keep him overnight for observation to be sure. I expect him to be released early today, good as new.

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