29 May 2006

On The Cross

I have clashed with some over Freedom of Religion is not freedom from religion topic before.

Most of the time I have to conceed the other side's point. Putting the Ten Commandments outside a court house is the State chosing a religion.

State funding of a memorial to fallen soldiers that happens to be in the shape of a huge cross, isn't. Motive is everything in a criminal case, why not here?

The big ass cross is in San Diego.

The Fort Rosecrans National Cemetary is as big as Arlington.

I am fed up with this irrational need to irradicate any symbol that resembles a religious one.

Us veterans put that cross there to honor the fallen. Making the federal government pay for the upkeep of a memorial to the dead of its wars is the proper thing to do. The current fiasco stems from a rule that federal funds cannot be used to maintain property that the federal government doesn't own. They didn't always own it. Nor did they always own Arlington.

It is not symbolic of Christian Glory. It is a memorial to the troops who are no longer with us. If this were just a Christian thing, there would not be Jewish, Muslim or Buddist graves there. Just like Arlington, the individual grave is consecrated by the appropriate holy figure. But most of them are Christian graves.

Fucking Moonbats, learn what a thing is for before going off. I am willing to bet that not a single one of these morons bothered to find out WHY that cross is up there. All they know is Federal Land and Religious Symbol.

I wonder if the problem is really that there is a religious symbol on the hill, or if that cross simply reminds these spinless oxygen thieves that there are better people than them who gave everything for some really nebulous ideals.

I know the above is a rambling mess, but I get angry and emotional around this topic on Memorial Day.

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