22 May 2006

What Bloomberg Is Missing

The Laws and ordinances of the State, County, City and associated Burroughs of New York, and New York City do not in any way apply to South Carolina.

Federal laws apply to both.

South Carolina's laws, likewise do not apply to New York.

Which brings us to this. If I sell a gun in complete compliance with SC laws IN SOUTH CAROLINA it is completely legal, even if that customer would be barred from owning a gun in NYC.

Another example of jurisdictional limitations.  To purchase a handgun in Iowa, one is required to obtain an pistol purchase permit from the local sheriff.  That permit is not required to purchase a handgun in Florida (ask me how I know).  What this means is; although I do not have an Iowa pistol purchase permit, it is perfectly legal for me to buy a handgun in Florida, because I live in Florida!  My Florida residency makes it illegal to buy a handgun in Iowa regardless of permit because of FEDERAL restrictions.

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