07 February 2010

Mr Stone Think About This

"Now, the culture: in Oliver Stone’s film JFK—nominated for Best Picture Oscar in 1991—Kennedy is a peaceful lefty contemplating a withdrawal from Vietnam. He’s assassinated by a vast right-wing cabal that includes every single person in America except for Oliver Stone."

From: http://www.city-journal.org/2010/eon0205ak.html

If the entire nation (or even just the powerful cabal implied in the film), had, indeed, conspired to assassinate President Kennedy, it would be insanely brave of Mr Stone to reveal the conspiracy. I gather that be believes that he is brave because he showed The Truth™.

Or there was no conspiracy and it's completely safe to make such a "revelation" because there's no cabal of powerful people who conspired to kill the president.

Occam's Razor: Does it make sense for such a powerful group of people to stand idly by while their conspiracy is revealed to the general public? Or does the lack of response from such a group more likely denote there is no such group?


8th-Feb-2010 12:31 am (local) ravenclaw_eric

I like to tell people that I did it. After all, I was two-and-a-half years old exactly on that day, and we all know what the Terrible Twos are like. "Ga, ga, goo, goo, I'm gonna get you!"

My parents, of course, were horrified. "My son! Shame of my family! Using that crappy cheap Italian rifle! Where did we go wrong? How have we failed, that you should turn aside from the designs of the One True Designer, John Moses Browning, peace be unto him?"

Someone sent me a list of the rest of the Senate and House of Representatives, with pictures, home addresses and known associates.

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