21 May 2009


I find it interesting that we're hearing about how linked, then, candidate Obama is with ACORN now that he's securely president.

Allegations that were made before the election, but the media sat on the story because it was a "game changer".

Interestingly when Mr Kerry was running they printed a completely fabricated story on Mr Bush's service record that was very nearly a "game changer".

But there's no bias. None at all. Nothing to see here, move along.

21st-May-2009 08:53 pm (local)
The reason for this is institutional culture in the news media. Nobody, as in NOBODY, wanted to be known for the rest of his career as the guy who'd torpedoed the chances of this photogenic, liberal, black candidate. If a modern Woodward and Bernstein had gone after Obama the way they did after Nixon, they'd have been lucky to be transferred to the Post's Fairbanks bureau.

Read Novak's Prince of Darkness sometime, particularly the parts where he's talking about the 1960 election. About 95% of the media-jackals were utterly committed to a JFK victory...one guy explained his coverage of Nixon's campaign by saying "I can do Jack more good from here."

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