Roberta X is in the center of quite the raging debate about Islam, its intent, what we should do about it, what we can do about it and whether what we can and should do about it is contraindicated by the 1st Amendment.
Neanderpundit has weighed in on it as well.
Lemme see if I can add a bit of clarity.
Moslems are setting up little enclaves where non-moslems are not welcome to live, and sometimes not even visit or shop. They have their own legal code (Sharia) they apply and don't use the local laws. From these enclaves, they expand by moving into adjacent areas and do more of the same.
For purposes of debate we shall say that the above is OK and protected by the 1st Amendment's Religious Freedom Clause.
There's a BUT here.
Whites are setting up little enclaves where non-whites are not welcome to live, and sometimes not even visit or shop. They have their own legal code they apply and don't use the local laws. From these enclaves, they expand by moving into adjacent areas and do more of the same.
Is this protected?
Gun-owners are setting up little enclaves where non-gun-owners are not welcome to live, and sometimes not even visit or shop. They have their own legal code (The Constitution) they apply and don't use the local laws. From these enclaves, they expand by moving into adjacent areas and do more of the same.
How about that?
Blacks are setting up little enclaves where non-blacks are not welcome to live, and sometimes not even visit or shop. They have their own legal code they apply and don't use the local laws. From these enclaves, they expand by moving into adjacent areas and do more of the same.
Or this?
I cannot use religious reasons to make an all white neighborhood. I cannot use religious reasons to not hire women. I cannot use religious reasons to not hire homosexuals.
But I can use religious reasons to create all Moslem neighborhoods with businesses that don't hire women or homosexuals?
Either I can exclude anyone on the basis of religion and those equality laws are invalid; or the laws are valid and religious freedom, like all rights, is tempered with responsibility. If the 1st Amendment is a catch-all that lets me ignore the local legal system at my whim because God says; then Gawd says I must have a Machinegun and it is a sin to pay $200 to register it and I must kill anyone who tries to take it away from me.
How much you wanna bet that I would be left alone and allowed to keep my MG on religious grounds? Me neither.