26 May 2006

Think On This

I think, legally and morally, that if someone is threatening your life, you are correct in killing them first. By the way, in most US states, the law agrees with me and juries some states where it is illegal too.

Compare this to Islam vs the US. A very vocal group of Moslems not only says they want us dead, but say that they intend to make us dead. So, there is nothing wrong with killing them!

"But what about the majority of Moslems who don't wish us any ill at all Mr McThag?" I recommend that they start putting some distance, physically and mentally, between you and the people who say that they want all us Americans dead. Time for them to stand up and be counted as our friends, or at least insist that the terrorists do not represent them.

The situation we have now is akin to some belligerent fool waving a knife in my face with all of his buddies standing behind him at a distance whispering, "Stab him!" I hesitate to shoot him because I worry that the crowd will rush me, but I think I might have to kill knife boy or he will kill me. It certainly appears that I am going to have to kill the entire crowd to be safe, even if the guy with the cutlery is slowly cooling at my feet. What would help the situation immeasurably would be for the crowd to start saying, "Go ahead and shoot him, he can't threaten any of us when he's dead."

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