23 January 2009

Can My Side Please Shut Up

Well, gee, a lot of my favorite guns-rights sites have gone insane.

I find the insults directed at President Obama is as poor taste as the insults directed at President Bush (43).

I was a little uncomfortable at calling President Clinton "Slick Willy" but he seemed to revel in it, so...

There's a sub-movement in the gun-rights culture that's become called the "three percenters". This has something to do with there being just 3% of gun owners will actually fight if push comes to shove.

That rhetoric might well be true, but these guys are treading dangerously close to inciting insurrection. Anyone who doesn't agree with them 100% is a "pragmatist" or "prag" and therefore beneath contempt.

I will likely attempt to fight should they try to force confiscation, I will die a horrible death too. There's a Churchill quote along those lines.

I hate to break it to the 3% folks, but unless the military and police mutiny en-mass then the piecemeal resistance provided by an ad hoc group of armed citizens will be crushed in short order. As much as I would like to see the military on my side, I have serious doubts about them disobeying the order to round us up.

Which leaves us in the depressing position of having only the ballot box to address the issue. The mass media seems to have become the unapologetic propaganda arm of the Democrat party. The Democrats seem to win a statistically unlikely number of close elections. Their leadership is solidly anti-gun.

Of course, it doesn't really matter. The Republicans in name only have taken over that party. And they surely seem to be just like Democrats, except ten years ago.

For this republic to function, we need opposition. There needs to be differences between the parties. I've never been a fan of bipartisanship. Too much of that and we get group think. Two widely disparate parties means that outside information can be introduced into the mix. Even if the ideas are rejected, at least we know that a contrary position was presented and debated.

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