17 January 2009

Insurmountable Obstacles

I was chatting with someone about the unpleasantness in Gaza and an eavesdropper put in their two cents.

"Why don't we just give the Jews someplace else for their homeland where they will be welcome?"

My immediate response, which got her to leave us alone, was, "OK, New York City! I already don't want it in my United States and it's already got a high proportion of their relatives, should work famously!"

It would not be accepted by the Israelis. The problem is both sides want THAT piece of land RIGHT THERE!

The Israelis do not want A homeland they want THIS homeland.  As long as the Israelis are in possession of that place, then the Palestinians will object, likely with violence.  I suspect that the Islamic world, in general, will find some other point to cause violence about should the Israelis agree to take over New York.  Rocket attacks from Long Island by Harleminian refugees?

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