29 January 2009

One Thing I've Never Done

I've never deleted a comment from my LJ.

In case anyone is curious about what Michele Evermore deleted.

I mentioned that they way she'd phrased her meeting was saying that President Obama had signed the very first piece of legislation ever. I said that couldn't be because he's not thousands of years old. I said that it couldn't have been the very first piece of US legislation because his name is not George Washington, and that he's still too young. I then said that perhaps she'd intended to say that it was merely President Obama signing the first legislation of his term.

She deleted that. That's how I tore her work apart.

Update 01Mar16, when she deleted her LiveJournal she also memory-holed her comments.  Michele Evermore would like me to not mention her by name.  She would, "owe me a solid" if I would remove all mention of her from my blog.  A deal she reneged on, so her name will continue to appear here.

Comment thread worth saving below the cut.

29th-Jan-2009 09:20 pm (local)
I take it someone deleted one of yours?

29th-Jan-2009 10:49 pm (local)

(Michele Evermore deleted this comment because she discovered that it adversely affected her chances of obtaining gainful employment five years later)
29th-Jan-2009 10:50 pm (local)
I don't think it will be a problem in the future.

29th-Jan-2009 11:50 pm (local) - where to start?
Actually, your original error had nothing to do with grammar. There's a grammar error there now, though.

Your work is part of the national legislative process. Laws are words of great and terrible power. Can't you see why we would care about what you do with words?

That's relatively minor, though. The big problem is dissent being sent down the memory hole. Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.

Too much import for a measly blog comment? Viewed as an isolated event, perhaps. But, as any soldier can tell you, we fight as we train. That is, doing a thing in a certain way builds a habit of doing that thing in that way. Do something enough, and even very complicated actions can and will be repeated without thought. The idea of anybody working in a center of power (as you do) developing a habit of unwriting history to hide the fact that a true message made them look bad (as you did) is deeply unsettling.

(Michele Evermore deleted this comment because she discovered that it adversely affected her chances of obtaining gainful employment five years later)
30th-Jan-2009 03:22 pm (local) - Re: where to start?
Play nice here! This isn't your friendlocked space. You will be polite on my blog comments.

(Michele Evermore deleted this comment because she discovered that it adversely affected her chances of obtaining gainful employment five years later)
30th-Jan-2009 03:30 pm (local) - Re: where to start?
I think your faith in that scrutiny is misplaced considering the vast amounts of unintended consequences that fall from the legislation that spews forth from DC on an almost daily basis.

The endless, "We must do SOMETHING! This is something. We must do THIS!" is tiresome. The constant addition of more law to fix the problems created by the last law is a chain around my neck and I will not thank you for the fact that the chains are light and easy to walk around in.

You've never understood that I want freedom. You have been repeatedly baffled by people who refuse your "help" because accepting it means losing their freedoms. "But I only wanted to HELP!" is the cry. And when they refuse long enough, you FORCE the help on them and are confused that they've become angry that you ignored them, for their own good of course. You never once consider that they wanted to CHOOSE. It's especially galling that they are almost never better off after the assistance is forced on them, the "help" always seems to fail.

This endless list of failures that have done nothing but consolidate more and more power in Washington leads we who watch from the outside to start thinking that, perhaps, the power was the goal all along.

16th-Feb-2009 09:25 pm (local)
I wish you could do something at work that I didn't have to worry about how it will tear my life apart.

31st-Jan-2009 10:41 am (local) - professional help required
Michele, what you need I am not qualified to provide. Consider: you claim not to care, but the truth is that you cared enough to post twice and hide behind content filtering. Your responses are becoming incoherent. Seek help. Seek help. Seek help.

I am not saying these things to hurt you, though I understand that they will have that effect. I'm sorry about that, but I know no other way. I don't know what's wrong, but I can tell that it's serious. You work for a rich organization with a generous health plan; take advantage of that.

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