11 July 2010


On the recent talk about the New Black Panthers getting away with voter intimidation.

Florida forbids firearms within polling places, but doesn't say how far away they must be kept.

Florida forbids "electioneering" within 50 yards of a polling place. It's a felony.

Voter intimidation is covered both under electioneering and assault.

It is legal for me to shoot someone to prevent a felony from taking place. Jurisprudence confirms that shooting someone to stop a violent felony is a rubber stamp item. Assault is a violent felony; especially since our New Black Panthers were armed with blunt instruments, making it assault with a deadly weapon.

So. Bring it; you racist hate mongers. I intend to vote and you will not stop me.

PS: I would not feel the need to point all of this out if the damned government had done a damn thing to prevent its future occurrences. Once again, it's up to the individual to do what needs be done.

PPS: I suspect that there will be no need for me to do anything since Florida is not Philadelphia.

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