28 February 2012


Compensating for my little wieners.  Get it?


  1. HA! Well, if ya gotta compensate. I visited here before but there wasn't a disclaimer on your page. WTF? If you are in Ten. Viewing your site is prohibited? WOW you must have pissed someone off big time.

  2. The Tennessee legislature wants to make me liable for their citizens getting butthurt about me exercising my 1st amendment right to be offensive.

    So I am heading them off by saying they aren't allowed to be here to be offended in the first place!

  3. Very nice!

    BTW, I've put you in for the Liebster. No, not lobster, LIEBSTER.


You are a guest here when you comment. This is my soapbox, not yours. Be polite. Inappropriate comments will be deleted without mention. Amnesty period is expired.

Do not go off on a tangent, stay with the topic of the post. If I can't tell what your point is in the first couple of sentences I'm flushing it.

If you're trying to comment anonymously: You can't. Log into your Google account.

If you can't comprehend this, don't comment; because I'm going to moderate and mock you for wasting your time.