17 February 2012

In The Immortal Words of the Great Western Philosopher Nelson Muntz


31 states don't get above 10 points.

8 more are under 25.

5 more are under 50.

Only five score between 50 and 75 and only ONE scores 75 or more.

Brady's Page of Shame.

From their score card.  The Mode is 4.  The Median is 6.5.  The Mean is 16.4.

Not winning, won.


  1. Now, I am never one to burst anothers bubble, but what happens if you weight the mode, median and mean for population......

    since Cali is 12% of the nations population.....

    We must all be free after all.....

  2. I read the report card for Illinois - even ILLINOIS only gets 35 points?!?!?!

    One line reads: "Permit required for ammunition purposes ".

    Huh? do they mean "Permit required for ammunition PURCHASES"?

    No wonder we win - the Brady Campaign doesn't even speak English.

  3. I had not considered weighting things for population, but it might be interesting to try. I'd also have to remember how...


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