26 February 2012

Help, Hinder or Harm?

There's four things to ask about anything having to do with the military.

Does this help?

Does this hinder?

Does this harm?

Does this matter?

If it helps, do it!

It it hinders or harms, don't do it!

If it doesn't matter, don't spend any money to provide or prevent it.

There will be a lot of politically incorrect things happening if these four questions get asked about any and every policy.

It might mean no women on submarines.  It might mean banning homosexuals from the military.  It might mean female fighter pilots.  It might mean segregated units.

Remember, the military is there to kill people and break shit.  Does the politically correct goal serve those needs?  Anything that impedes the primary tasks of killing people and breaking shit is a hinderance or harm.  I don't care whose feelings get hurt either.

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