08 February 2012

Is It 1995 Again?

"After the setbacks the party has suffered, the Tea Party is finally dying down, and people are getting fed up with the Republicans in Congress."

I said it in 1995-96 when the contract with America didn't materialize.

The reason people get fed up with the Republicans after they wrest control back from the Democrats is that they don't get done what they were sent to do.

For example.  The Assault Weapon Ban and Brady Act were what I voted on in '94.  The candidates brought it up often and the NRA hit me up for cash to get them repealed, touting the candidates who were running.

Why is it that they were never repealed?  The AWB had to expire and the Brady Act is still law.

In 2000 we had a majority in both houses and a Republican president, perfect time to act.  Nothing.

The supreme court, whom I don't get to vote for, has done more to recover my rights than any creature running for office I have voted for.

So, Republicans, I challenge you do DO something.  Put the healthcare repeal in EVERY SINGLE BILL. Put the damn thing in quorum calls!  This is what your opponents did with countless anti-gun items; including the Hughes amendment.

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