04 August 2014


"We were surprised to find that we had suddenly gone weak, and we were surprised to discover how much fire men can move through without getting hit."

--S/Sgt Thomas B Turner quoted in The Soldiers Load and The Mobility of a Nation by SLA Marshall

I'm constantly trying to find out stuff that explains my experiences.  And often surprised to see that I wasn't the only one who had them.

I've sometimes thought I was a puny coward when my reaction appears to have been merely typical.

I also oscillate wildly between not caring if anyone believes my reminisces and wanting the evidence to prove they were real.

I'm the only person I can find who was there doing them, the others seem to have dried up and blown away.  Their names lead to dead ends and their supposed comrades have never heard of them.  I have a clearer idea today of who they weren't than who they were.

It's enough to make you doubt sometimes.

Maybe the answer is buried in a file in some needlessly classified vault someplace.

On the gripping hand, not knowing for sure doesn't impede my life much at all.

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