25 July 2006

Sick Of Defending Bush

How can anyone who knows me think that I like him?

Perhaps because I was VERY anti-Clinton? News flash, I am opposed to all the damn idiots that have discarded our constitutional republic for, whatever what we have now is.

Clinton was merely the first politician on the radar once I had learned enough to have a political opinion. My contempt backdates to FDR (PS that includes Ford and Nixon), but I cannot do anything to prevent the past, so I must focus on the present and hope to reverse the wrongs done then.

I know why I disliked Clinton so strongly, do the people who hate Bush know why they don't like him? Other than he is not Al Gore or John Kerry?

Gun control is unconstitutional, it's plainly stated in the second amendment and my position is backed by the author's notes, the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers, Mr Clinton signed Brady and the AWB.

Mrs Clinton wasn't an elected or appointed official, but she swept in like she was the entire cabinet. I'm not really sure I can blame Bill for this one, but at some time he really should have said something to the effect of, "Honey, you have no official capacity, so stop having press conferences." Mrs Clinton is a topic of a whole other rant really.

And of course, the Lewinsky thing. And I only started caring when someone pointed out this, "Would he have kept his job, or would we have said, 'that's A-OK,' if he had been the CEO of a Fortune 500 company?" Huh? Why, no. Last time I delved into the sexual harassment laws, there was no exemption for the President.

Bush the Younger:

Um, close the border, use troops, shoot them if you have to.

Quit acting like Dad is going to walk in at any moment and take the car keys away! You ran a successful business once, you were a popular Governor, you really did get elected, start acting like you have the brain that you demonstrated you had before late 2000!

Oh yes, another thing: The economy pretty much runs on its own. There is damn little the government can do about it, so taking credit for good times or blame for bad times is more a function of timing than talent. I believe that subsidies hurt business because it prevents the market from sending feedback. I believe that low taxes spur growth because people will want to make more money when they get to keep more of it. And if the president is really responsible for the economy, why don't we worship Dwight Eisenhower like a GOD?

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