14 August 2006

What If

What if the protesters convinced a woman, after going through all the pain of an abortion, that she was a murderer and her soul was indeed irredeemable?

What if she decided to just start shooting said protesters, she's crossed the moral rubicon, she cannot undo her abortion, why not just keep killing?

Comments from this post:

14th-Aug-2006 10:33 am (local)
Michele Evermore
I've had that thought more than once. I said almost that exact same thing to a group of protesters outside a clinic. I said "You people are NOT acting scared enough of me to convince me you really think i am a cold-blooded murderer."

I had a realization then that they use the words murderer and such to degrade people having to go through the process, and they want to win the debate so badly that they will say anything. But I seriously doubt they REALLY believe it. With a few exceptions, of course.

14th-Aug-2006 10:34 am (local)
One thing that I've never seen them deal with is this: If abortion _is_ murder, then, by extension, a miscarriage is manslaughter. Particularly if it happens because Mommy was careless.

After all, if I'm careless and someone dies of it, I'm probably looking at some time in the Joint. Why should this be different?

15th-Aug-2006 07:35 pm (local)
Michele Evermore
THey have actually tried to pass legislation to that effect.

19th-Aug-2006 04:07 pm (local) - Guns and abortion
Michele Evermore
Dude, I just started reading this book called 'Freakonomics." Don't know how the whole book comes together yet, but the first chapter is about what everyone in the late 1990s pinned the drop in crime on. Lotsa people said gun control but that didn't make any sense to the author so his premise is that it is actually Roe V Wade and a lot of people who would ordinarily have had kids that wer eill equipped to deal with them were choosing abortion instead, thereby reducing the numbers of people born into untennable situations that tend to lead to a life of crime. Don't know exactly how I feel about it yet, but would suggest the book after reading the first chapter. Interesting stuff.

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