19 April 2007


I was sitting here today thinking.

I went through a lot of effort to stay in touch with a couple of people I knew from Iowa. A few have been kind enough to stay back in touch with me.

I think that zero calls since I moved here is a hint, huh?

CRM, I am looking at you. I stopped by every time I was in Ames to stay in touch. We've sent change-of address and change of contact information every time its changed. We invited you and your wife to our wedding.

You didn't bother to reply even once, did you? Didn't drive the eight whole miles to Nevada to see the wedding.

What I want to know, is what did I do wrong?

All I can think of is that I am a gun owner. Your distancing yourself from me seems to stem directly from my standing up to JS (and winning the debate) over the gun thing. It that it?

If it is, what a demonstration of liberal tolerance! You alienated the only one in the group who dared to be different. Ironically the gun-toting conservative didn't have an issue with your being gay. I guess conservative tolerance is more tolerant.

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