05 January 2010


I wonder how far a 13th Amendment defense would fly for refusal to pay taxes.

The people on welfare aren't working.

The taxpayers are.

If the taxpayers stop paying taxes, the government punishes them.

Sounds like the taxpayers are enslaved by the welfare types and the government is playing the roll of overseer.


5th-Jan-2010 04:45 am (local) ravenclaw_eric

That would be interesting, and as far as I know, hasn't been tried before. Another possibility would be proving that the income tax amendment was never properly ratified and is, therefore, not really part of the Constitution. (There is a case that can be made for this idea.)

5th-Jan-2010 05:02 am (local) weerdbeard

Well the people on welfare ARE working but the Fifth Amendment protects them from disclosing that income that might fuck up their bennies.

Still I suspect since the government WANTS us as powerless as possible, I suspect the 13th will apply as loosely as the 2nd does to the right to bear arms...until we wage serious war to force them to read it as such. (Even if McDonald is a clear win, I STILL won't have the RIGHT to bear arms here in Mass....just the privilege...that'll take ANOTHER big court case)

5th-Jan-2010 06:58 pm (local) mcthag

Doesn't Illinois have many of the same restrictions as Mass? Seems they are just starting with the toughest nut.

I still have hope! Call me a 4.5%er.
5th-Jan-2010 08:40 pm (local) weerdbeard

Not really the same, but there ARE some similarities. Mass does not have any area bans. (Technically Boston has some separate laws, but people more knowledgeable than me point out that there is no way to actually enforce them) Also for people outside of Chicago and the like, acquiring most firearms is fairly easy. We have an AWB as well as a safe handgun roster which makes our selection at the shops rather limited.

I believe Mass and Illinois are the only states to actually regulate the 2nd Amendment through a permit process (read Poll Tax) with the IL FOID, and the Many-tired Mass Permit system (FID-D,FID-C, LTC-B, and LTC-A *restricted and non*) If I'm not mistaken the IL FOID only costs $10 and is shall-issue, meanwhile the Mass permits are $100 (plus classes and fees) are only good for 6 years, and are may-issue. This means that if your cousin Jimmy broke up with the Chief's daughter he could deny your permit for that reason. He could deny a person their 2nd Amendment rights because they were a Jew or Black, if he was willing to put it in writing.

You can be denied for any reason so long as you receive a letter explaining that reason. That doesn't happen much....what DOES happen is you can apply for an LTC-A non-restricted (Able to buy and own any type of legal gun, and also serves as a conceal carry permit) and the Chief can decided to give you an FID-D (good for buying and carrying Pepper spray only) or FID-C (Good for buying and owning long guns that cannot accept a magazine holding more than 10 rounds), as you are not DENIED a permit.

Many towns simply refuse to issue certain permits. My first permit was an LTC-A "Restricted Target and Hunting", as the town I lived in did NOT give carry permits. (The Chief actually was interviewed by the paper and he bragged about never issuing a carry permit in 15+ years!).

Certainly this is a VERY low-hanging fruit for 2nd Amendment challenge, hence why the big cases are being held here.

You hope is more than just optimism. We're winning.

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