19 November 2010

Giving up?

I am getting mighty sick of reading otherwise intelligent bloggers who are looking at the enormity of the problem before us and packing it in.

Or at least they are saying that we're doomed and nothing we do will change that.

Now that you've said it, shut up and go away.  Go in peace and let prosperity forget you were ever our kinsmen.  We have no need of defeatism.  I think I shall start commenting next time you get mad about something to remind you that we're doomed and getting mad about it won't change anything.

The problem is huge.  However, the problem was created by man, therefore it's curable by the same means.  The solution is not going to drop in our laps all at once.  It is going to take years of effort to reverse the juggernaut.  Avalanches start with pebbles as it were.

The most positive thing I can point to is a great many people are finally rediscovering liberty.  What you are doing with your "we can never win, so we should give up" posts is attempting to insure that your dire predictions come true by discouraging this rediscovery.

Fuck that!  I say!

Pointing out the abuses our liberties are suffering is good, we should keep an accounting of them.  We can recover our lost liberty, but it will be one thing at a time.  Perhaps the best example of this is guns.

Remember how doomed our gun rights were in 1994?

In 1994 it was illegal to make new semiautomatic rifles that had more than a few cosmetic features, today the AR-15 is the most popular rifle in the country.

In 1994 there were 12 states that flat banned concealed carry.  In 1994 there were 17 states that might issue a carry permit, but likely would not.  in 1994 there were just 20 states that were "shall issue".  In 1994 only Vermont had true Constitutional Carry.  Today?  Today there are only two states that ban CCW.  Today there are only 8 states are "may issue".  Today 37 states are "shall issue" (I am counting Iowa as shall issue even though their law doesn't take effect until 1/1/11).  Today three states have Constitutional Carry.

In 1994 the talk was "What shall we ban next?"  Today the talk is about unlicensed open carry!  Today there is talk of removing short barrel rifles and sound suppressors from the National Firearms Act.  Today there is a thin, but real, chance of getting the Hughes Amendment repealed.

But if we'd rolled over and given up in 1994 we would not have made what progress we have today!

Where there is life there is hope; I am not dead yet.  Are you?


  1. I hope I'm not one of those you wish to "go away." I don't see any way to prevent what's coming. Voting certainly isn't going to stop the juggernaut. As the song goes, "There's a man up here who claims to have his hands upon the reins. There are chains upon his hands and he's riding upon a train." I want people to be aware that the sh!tstorm is coming, and if there are enough of us, perhaps we can rebuild our Republic from the rubble of the Democracy it became. If not, then . . .

  2. The danger of ranting about a specific incident in general terms is that the innocent get painted with the guilty.

    Kevin, it's not you I spoke of. You've struck me as someone who's pointing out rough history ahead, rolling up your sleeves and getting down to work.

    It's the people who are saying that what's been happening didn't matter because one election didn't magically make it all better, therefore we shouldn't have bothered that I am complaining about.

    There's a Churchill quote I like about it. I'll be fighting right to the end because it is better to die than to live as a slave. I'm still optimistic enough to think we can change the course we on without a shooting war. I am pessimistic enough to have guns on hand in case there is though.


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