27 November 2010

Violation of copyrights constitute a danger to homeland security?


I'll grant that what these web pages were doing is illegal, but is DHS the correct agency to be doing this?  Immigration and Customs is mentioned here, but when did they get authority over strictly domestic commerce (or crime)?  Isn't this an FBI thing?  Like the message we all ignore while getting snacks says?  It's literally an FBI warning, not a Immigration and Customs Enforcement Division of the Department of Homeland Security Warning.  Update: I gather that this article explains how DHS Div ICE has the authority to be enforcing copyright law.  I notice the beginning of the article states "strong bipartisan support".

What leap of logic makes pirating a DVD something DHS should take action on and millions of illegal intruders from Mexico isn't?

If I watch a pirated movie, the terrorists win?

If I listen to a ripped CD, Osama Bin Laden declares victory?

This has got to the fastest I have ever seen mission creep assert itself.  It took 60 years for the ATF to add explosives to their name and less than ten for DHS to assert that interstate is the same as international.  International commerce, the stuff we have customs for.

This is the small thing that makes we worry that the next thing will be customs stations at state borders.

And here is my little fight back proposal.  Choke this at the source.

Stop buying music and movies.  Do not go to the theater.  Do not attend concerts larger than a small bar. Do not buy CD's.  Do not purchase DVD's.  Don't download pirated stuff either, that encourages at least one person to keep buying.  Consume nothing the MPAA or RIAA has hold of.  Starve them.  You can't tell me they don't deserve it.

This also has the side effect of starving the crazy celebrities who constantly use their status to tell us how we're living our lives wrong.

Perhaps once starved the MPAA and RIAA will adopt a business strategy that will sell the product for a price people are willing to pay.

UPDATE: More on the story.
American Thinker on the general story.
Examiner on S.3804

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