06 December 2008

Please Go Read This

Fantasy Ideology

Read the comments too.

I remain uncertain if I am in the 3% or not.

I think that I would fight rather than submit when they came to confiscate the guns. I think.

I don't think that a civil war is a good plan.

I imagine that if I were to resist the police, ATF, FBI, whatever, that I would end up dead. I might very well take out more than one of them. I might not.

I seriously doubt that I would attack the police while they raided the house across the street.

In general and in principle, I think that the laws we have now are unconstitutional. I find that I am willing to compromise on principles though. Note that I am going to the effort of seeking permission to build and registering my short barrel rifle. If they deny my application, I will not be making an SBR.

I think that I would mostly be content to have the National Firearms Registry reopened for machineguns and leave the rest of the gun laws alone. I think that is enough.

I would press to have the gun laws rolled back even further, but I could live with that.

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