01 April 2012

An Evening With Erin

After the car show, had dinner and cruised A1A with Erin Palette.

She's been deceiving us about her look all along.

She is not pink.

She is not an equine.

She is not a cartoon animation.

She's a human being.

I, for one, am shocked!

1 comment:

  1. And Thag was, sadly, not a Scottish Highland warrior wearing a kilt. Though he WAS about as hairy as I'd expected.

    Topics of conversation included: guns; cars; how to turn the M1 Abrams into a field-expedient flamethrower; the proper way to give a sensual back massage; the origin of Derpy Hooves; the best caliber handgun for my arthritic mother; and how the German version of Applejack is funnier than the original.


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