10 April 2012


Since racism is a hot topic of late with Trayvon Martin getting killed and Derbyshire getting fired.

Let us suppose.

I can see the calls for violence leading to a race war in the US.

I can see an end result of that war being the return of Jim Crow or something like it (perhaps even worse).

I can see a world about thirty to fifty years after that where people start to wonder that perhaps we should treat blacks like people again.

I can see people saying, "we tried that, look what happened when we took our boot off their necks."

I can see people saying, "oops, my bad," and letting the Jim Crow II continue.

I will weep if this comes to pass.

I do weep because I have no control over it starting.  Racists are in the driver's seat.  Racists who are not white but we can't call them that and as long as we can't they get to drive the damn bus straight to Hell.

1 comment:

  1. What the blacks consistently forget is that they are at most 1/8 of the population, heavily concentrated in urban areas (outside of the South, at least) and have no allies other than white liberals. Hispanics (Mexicans, Central Americans, and Cubans) generally detest them. Even immigrants from Africa look 'way down on American ghetto blacks; when I was working at Wal-Mart, I worked with some of them and what they had to say about ghetto blacks would have had David Duke turning as white as his sheets before running for a notebook to write the best stuff down.


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