10 February 2008


I think this analogy of the presidential race works.

Our choices are between MacDonalds and Burger King (parties). MacDonalds says the Big Mac (McCain) is better than the Whopper (Clinton). While this might be true, I don't want a hamburger at all, I want a hot dog and I can't get one from either place.

The people who really like Big Macs, and or the people who don't mind a hamburger and or the people who don't like hot dogs at all are screaming at me, "Just order the damn burger!" I DON'T WANT A FUCKING BURGER! I want the menu changed and think that hot dogs will sell if only they were offered.

I am also not salved by the cries that Burger King has more not-burger choices under its roof. Um great, but my choice is not burger or chicken sandwich, but burger or burger.

PS: should Hillary not get the nomination then calling Obama "Whopper Junior" still works.

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