31 March 2010

Mandatory Participation Meme

Your instructions:

If you are reading this right now, please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me.

It can be anything you want - good or bad - BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE.

When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your LJ and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON'T ACTUALLY remember about you.

Imported Comments

31st-Mar-2010 10:21 am (local) weerdbeard

I still remember when everybody just knew you as the "Break Dancing King of Pine Street". Still have no idea how you lived that night down!

31st-Mar-2010 11:24 am (local) - I remember anglave

I remember the time we convinced Brad to ride in the trunk of your Caprice. He thought it would be a funny 3 minute trip to Wal-Mart.

Instead, it was a hilarious 20 minute aimless drive around town, and then out onto the gravel roads north of town. We must have done a half-dozen figure eights out on the gravel mile sections.

At first Brad yelled at us from the trunk, "Guys, this isn't funny anymore." But pretty rapidly he came to the conclusion that it wasn't working. The longer we drove around, the quieter he got.

Just about sunset you pulled over on some random gravel road miles north of town. We walked around the car to the trunk to let Brad out.
The plan was to joke about having brought him out to the country to kill him. Maybe to tell him to "run" and see what he'd do.

But when we opened the trunk it wasn't funny anymore. Brad wasn't mad at us, he was terrified. Huddled deep in the trunk, as far from us as he could get, curled up tight and crying. Brad really thought he was about to die, and it wasn't funny at all.

Well, maybe a little. :)

31st-Mar-2010 12:34 pm (local) - Re: I remember mcthag

Dude! You were suppose to tell a FAKE story.

Oh wait, it not being funny does change it to being fake, 'cause we were laughing our asses off.

31st-Mar-2010 02:21 pm (local) ravenclaw_eric

I remember what happened when I introduced you to Marc. You and he hit it off so fast, the rest of us felt a little shut out.

31st-Mar-2010 11:26 pm (local) - Jimmy the Crossdresser fuzzy_geff

There's a name you haven't heard since high school, right? I was just thinking about the last time we saw old Jimmy. I forgot who the dumpster diver was who found him, but it still warms my heart how fast everybody jumped up to help.

By the time I was sure of his condition, Lee was already measuring out the magnesium. I never did figure out how he hid so much under his school uniform. Of course, Nancy stopped him before he got it lit. She was right; you light off enough magnesium to make a 200+ pound guy not be there anymore, and every cop for miles around sees the flash.

I think you would've gotten that dumpster flipped over if I'd waited a couple more seconds to figure it out. Sure, it was a natural response, but we didn't kill Jimmy, so we didn't need to get rid of his body. Especially not for free.

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