04 March 2010

The Sharing Thing

Inspired by: http://smallestminority.blogspot.com/2010/03/quote-of-day-r0n-p4ul-edition_04.html

Taxes taken from me for the good of all in society, like roads, don't rankle me. Even people who do not drive benefit from good roads because they allow the reliable transportation of the things they do use.

Taxes taken from me for the good of a single person or group, like welfare, piss me off. Taking from ME to give to THEM may, in theory, be an overall good to society; reality doesn't seem to support the theory. Extended example: If there was no welfare then the person(s) in question would have either starved to death or found work; and ceased to be a problem. With welfare we've got their kids and grandkids pulling the same drain.

It is even more exasperating to find that one is not qualified to receive assistance after paying into the system for years because you still own something. Actually, the problem is not the owning, but being the owner of record. If our house and cars were in someone else's name we'd have a comfortable income. If you think that I am the first person to notice this and that people on welfare are unaware of it, can I sell you some Everglades property?

It often seems like we're the only people who've noticed the cheating; or rather that everyone is aware of it, but the government is blind to it.

The Lovely Harvey had noted it in her job in college financial aid. When someone with a perfectly groomed coiffure, manicure and designer clothes pulls up in a brand new Escalade you know someone in their household has a substantial income. Oddly, this same person reports $0 income and receives the full earned income credit, and is eligible for the full panoply of grants; this is on top of housing assistance, food stamps, etc...

I'm fed up with it, how about you?

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