29 April 2014

The Lack Of Content

It can be summed up best by saying that my natural tendency to be an asshole ruins friendships and creates enemies.

When I try to not be an ass, I am suddenly rendered mute.

That "don't be a dick" rule is what I aspire to, but habits are well entrenched.

There'll be more once I learn not to be an asshole.

Looking at the stats, nobody cares about world design notes, so there will be no more of them.  In fact, kerflush, they're gone.


  1. I've actually been reading all the worldbuilding stuff, sounds like a fun world, but I never have anything to say so I don't click into them to comment and register a hit on them. I usually just open to the main blog page and read everything new when I go through my blogroll, rather than opening individual posts to read.


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