16 March 2013

Saudi America

It occurs to me that it would not be a very long war to conquer Saudi Arabia and make it a US territory and start the process of making it a state.

The main objection I hear when I mention doing so is the entire Islamic world would then hate us.

"Then hate us?"

If we take over Saudi, Islam will not hate us any more than they do today.  They are already all in on hatin' themselves some 'Merkians.

Besides, the attacks from Saudi's neighbors will provide the excuses we need to take about a few more dictatorships whom hate us already.

Who will stop us?

Europe?  With what?

Russia?  We take the gulf states out of the oil to Europe business to devour it for our consumption, it just makes their oil more marketable.  It's a win for them too.

China?  Tell them if we don't do this, we'll have no choice but to default on those loans.

Anyone left who's more than a speed bump?

Besides, I seem to recall that in 1941 we went to war to eliminate exactly this sort of totalitarian threat to the world.  The people who made that call (Democrats no less) and who fought it are now known as the "Greatest Generation".

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