29 March 2013

Meh Friday

Took the dog to the vet.

Double whammy.

He's been chewing his fur off.  Normally that means it's flea season and we forgot to give him his stuff.

Well, we hadn't forgotten this time.

Turns out he's become allergic to his normal K9 advantix® II _AND_ our local fleas find the bouquet to be piquant and fruity.

The vet says that fleas carry other diseases in a seasonal manner and what Shi Shu has managed to catch while the flea meds inflamed his skin is a nice bacteria under his skin.

Now he's got an oral flea slayer and is on antibiotics for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Flea populations build up resistance to that stuff, but fortunately there are plenty of other good preventatives. And, um, I hate to say it, but a cone-of-shame will prevent chewing, and he'll heal faster. Good luck, and I hope he feels better soon!


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