05 February 2009


My previous post is a link to an author who's bitter about the behavior of the Democrats for the last eight years.

I think he's got every right to be bitter about it, especially since they are now calling for such behavior to stop.

OK, I'm game. And I would like to point out that the most disrespectful I have been towards the President is calling him Barry.

I will not insult him. I will point out things like his cabinet pics seem to have a lot of problems with paying their taxes, or corruption.

I'll step up and be an adult. On one condition. He's not going to be president forever. If his replacement is a Republican, the people who just spent the past eight years have to behave like adults too.

I was speaking to Tim about this and the problem as I see it is they are bullies. I have some experience with bullies. I was a nerdy twerp until my dad forced me to take karate and started pounding into my head that I had the right to defend myself. Wanna know something? The bullies stopped bullying when they got a good solid fight back. What they seem to be asking us it to ignore the bullying and behave because they want to be left alone to play with the new-won toys.

As Eric pointed out in comments, they behaved this way for Nixon. Nixon got caught doing what his predecessors had also done. I think the proper narrative should have been, "What Nixon did was wrong. We will impeach him, but he believed that it was OK to do what he did, because he saw his predecessors do the same." Then they should have named names of EVERYONE who'd done such regardless of their party affiliations. Perhaps then Nixon would have been the last one. I'm too young to really remember Ford and Carter. I was not concerned with politics during most of Reagan and Bush (41). I was doing my damnedest to ignore Clinton.

Then his wife started acting like a cabinet member. That pissed me off because that's not the presidential spouse's job. Then he passed the Brady Act and the AWB. That got my attention. Finally, he lied under oath.

When we talk about that particular scandal, we always seem to focus on the fellatio. People like to say that there's nothing wrong with that if his wife is cool about it. OK, if there's nothing wrong with it, then why LIE about it? If there was nothing illegal about it, then why lie about it in court? Especially, why lie in court when the 5th amendment allows you to snap your yap shut when your answer would incriminate you. They cannot force you to confess, but you can be convicted for lying about your innocence.

Notice that I did not ONCE insult Mr or Mrs Clinton's intelligence, breeding, religion, species, or political party by stating why I disliked the eight years of his term.

I just got done being branded as a Bush supporter.  Because I refused to hate him.  Why on earth did I vote for him?

Al Gore.  Here's one I will insult.  If he'd been elected you'd have been hard pressed to tell me apart from the sort of bile being spewed by the Kos Kidz.  But I have no time for religious fanatics, and Globull Warmening is indeed a religion.  It's set the scientific method back for decades.  His original act that got me to notice him was actually well before he was even Vice President.  I remember him from a series of hearings about the lyrical content of music.  He was heading the committee.  His WIFE was testifying!  What he should have done was recuse himself from the proceedings because that's an apparent conflict of interest.  Please remember, I was not paying attention to politics back then.  I noticed the connection in a documentary in 93-95 or so.  The environmentalists, like Gore, had been having their merry way with their junk science for as long I had been watching.  I'm an engineer and a car guy.  Two words sum up the BS of environmentalism, 'catalytic converter'.  Go ahead and check, acid rain becomes a problem just about the time catalytic scrubbers are MANDATED.  Thank goodness better tech became available and alternative scrubbers can now be used.

On a side note, a mandate to use a specific technology will also forbid it being replaced by a better technology.  Knowing that mandate prevents an alternative from being implemented until the laws are changed keeps a good many talented people from even trying.

Enough about Al 'Ozone' Gore.

Lets talk about John F Kerry.  I was a soldier.  I know from talking to my elders what it took to earn the medals that Kerry had.  One little problem about those, his service record doesn't support the conditions that normally apply to such awards.  His refusal to release such records while at the same time showing off those awards kinda tells us he knows too.  There's your core issue that the Swiftboaters were pointing out.  As a veteran, I simply could not vote for a former officer who can't seem to find anyone who's proud they served under him.

Let's talk about Illinois politics.  Mayor Richard Daley.  The man who made the graveyard vote famous.  Who got caught doing it and was never brought to task.  I lived in a suburb of Chicago when he died and I cannot recall a single kind word about him from my parents or their friends.  And they all talked about it for days after.  My mom made me and my sister watch the funeral on TV.  His son is made from the same mold, do your own research here readers.  Do you think that someone in Florida would take someone from a place that practically invented "voter irregularity" kindly when they come down here to tell us where we screwed up on counting our votes?  Especially from a place that is FIRMLY partisan?  I know that I didn't.  Corruption and scandal are part of the day to day political machine in Chicago, and Chicago dominates Illinois as thoroughly as NYC dominates Upstate New York.  I wonder if anyone has added up whether more or fewer Chicago aldermen end up in jail before they finish their term.  They've had an alarming run of governors go to prison, with another poised to go to trial.

I can hope that President Obama is not tainted by such, but I don't think it's possible.  He's just too young to have earned it without owing the machine.

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