10 September 2009

A Comment

Read this: http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com/2009/09/casus-belli-meaning-of-not-one-more.html

Mr Vanderboegh is a leading spokesman for what has been called the three-percenters.

I am not sure if I fall within the 3% or am what he derogatorily calls a "prag".

What I am sure of is if the 3% gets pushed to the point where they start shooting, all of us gun owners are "all-in". At that point, we'd better join or we will lose, lose big. We may lose big even if we fight, but we should at least contest the point.

I think a lot of the folks that he calls "prags" are people who object to him declaring "if x happens, we shoot" and making the decision for the rest of us to go "all-in". He does not seem to realize that he can be maneuvered onto ground not of his choosing by our (yes our) enemies.

I also think that we should have started shooting in 1968. That we didn't in 1994 as well says that we never will. I weep.

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