07 April 2011

By the way...

You prick!  I don't own a car that gets 8 miles per gallon.  Guess what, even getting 24 miles per gallon is getting too expensive.

Every time you let the price of gas jack up a buck it will cost me $18 a tank more.

My transportation needs are fairly rigid.  That $18 will have to come from some other spending that's more flexible.  Like, say, entertainment.

Now I am bitter, angry, stuck at home and BORED.  I am no longer distracted from your idiocy.

Where do you think this will lead come november '12?


  1. Boy, it'd be nice to have an alternative fuel vehicle right now wouldn't it? Not be dependent on this gas. Not yet? Well, let's let the gas prices go higher until you change your mind.



  2. The problem with a lot of the "green technology" that the Messiah and his friends are so in love with is that in reality it just doesn't work very well! Auto manufacturers don't stick with IC engines out of pure motiveless meanness, but because they beat the alternatives we have available.

  3. Please don't bring logic and reasoning into a discussion about alternative energy.


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