20 April 2011

So, like, yeah. What?

It's like totally, you know, like yeah.

Today! You know? Today man!

Today. You should, um, something...



My hands are, like, huge! They can touch anything but each other. Woah!


  1. Dude, I totally forgot to buy any stuff man. Can I bum some off ya? I'll get you back man, I swear.

  2. Are you a cop? Because if you're a cop you have to say so.

  3. Do I look like a cop man? Would a cop do *this*? I'm just trying to scooooooooore.

  4. BUSTED! Y'all are as dumb as you look!

  5. Like...wow, man. Faaar out. Check out these colors! Heavy duty, dude!


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