18 July 2012

Wow That Sure Pisses Some People Off

I will cop to being a Brony.  I think the show is cute, entertaining and well written.

It's got a geek culture that's as extreme as any other geek culture I've seen following any show.  Those people creep me out too, but they are the FAAAAAAR end of the spectrum and they stand out because there's not that many of them.

What I am getting really sick of is the white hot rage inspired by any sort of My Little Pony decoration or adornment on a firearm or firearm accessory.

It's getting to be a Godwin's law sort of thing.  They hate, they hate completely, they hate blindly and they hate incoherently.  I think we should call it Erin's law since she's the recipient of a lot of that hate.

They hate so bad it's become fun to piss them off some more.

My original intent with my MLP-FIM engraving was to kinda yank the chains at the Colt Kool-Aid Drinkers while doing a fun bit of personalization.  They took it a lot better than the haters.

On the flip side, there's a lot of people who are very cool with it.  The dxf file I sent to Ident has been requested by several people now and and a couple more have asked for the Armalite version.  We're everywhere!

I am distressed that so many people who are oh-so-pro-rights when it comes to guns completely and totally go fascist when anyone deviates from a 1950's stereotype WASP model.

I am totally sure they don't see that how they are reacting is offensive to others.

This is not the first time I've encountered this sort of thing in the supposed pro-rights community.

I notice that most people fondly remember Mr Kim DuToit.  His thing was tattoos.  Really weirded him out and would refuse to have an inked server serve his food.  What would he think of The Atomic Nerds?

I have a few positions that are firmly legal and completely immoral assuming I accept the precepts of a given religion on them.  My God is not your God and the sinful nature of my belief is predicated on my also believing in YOUR God.  Which I emphatically do not.  That there First Amendment means you have to let me too.  In turn I have to let you as well.

Such is how Freedom works.


  1. I've been thinking about that sort of hater, and I just made a worrysome connection. Your mention of gods reminds me that I'm far from the first to have such thoughts.

  2. Not my thing, but it would be a boring world if everyone liked the same things.

    My little pony is made of steel and painted red. ;)


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