09 October 2012

An Observation

Something I've noticed about the wretched hive of scum and villainy. (Thanks for the title, Tam)

Everyone there has all sorts of criticism for the AR-15.

It shits where it eats.  It takes too much maintenance to keep it running.  The round is too wimpy.  The USGI magazines suck.  You can't put a real folding stock on it.  Etcetera ad nauseum.

Yet, they all own one.  Many own several.

You'd think that there'd be no Bushmaster ACR's, FN SCAR's, Robinson XCR's, M1A's or FAL's for sale anywhere at any price because the demand was far higher than the supply.


Every alternate to the AR is really a boutique offering against the mainstream.

And they don't see that there are ample alternatives to the AR out there if they'd only just stop complaining about what they already own and bought one.

Then the complaints turn to price.  The comparisons get more honest and in the end they admit that the AR isn't so bad after all.  It's like watching the Army tests.

And I say this as someone who owns an AR in a non-wussy caliber and has an FAL in God's Own (Second Coming) Cartridge.

1 comment:

  1. There is no perfect gun. PERIOD!

    They all have flaws. Why somebody chooses to focus on the flaws of what is overall a great gun reeks of hipster-ism.

    It seems 1911 freaks are just the opposite. They get PISSED when people call them heavy, low-capacity dinosaurs that cost too much.

    At least those people bitching 1911s are packing Glocks, XDs, or M&Ps...which are also awesome, but flawed guns...

    Me, I don't care. I just bash Taurus!


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