26 April 2014

Explict Apology

I was a dick to Erin about her posts on Blue Collar Survival.

While I don't think I was wrong about the superiority of a rifle over a shotgun; just about any way of saying besides how I actually said it would have been better.

Except for that one thing, I am in the wrong and deserve what punishment could be meted out.

A related note.  I cleaned up the disclaimer at the same time this was going on and moved the support image down below the blog-roll.  That gave the appearance that I no longer supported Erin's coming-out and that was not what I intended to do.

I apologize fully and don't expect to be forgiven because I am not deserving of such.


  1. That's actually quite big of you, Thag.

    Thank you. Your apology is accepted. Perhaps we can repair some bridges... I hope so, as I've missed our talks about Traveller.

    1. I miss them too. And the ponies.

      Please let me know if I missed any of the being a prick posts. I tried to eliminate what I remembered.


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