28 October 2008

Communication Problem

When I post, I assume that you've read all the preceding material and remember it. Mostly, because I remember it.

When something doesn't make any damn sense, it's likely a continuation of an earlier post. Or it really doesn't make any damn sense and it's just steam escaping.

This blog's primary purpose is to keep me off the local water tower. Demanding I prove my position to your satisfaction will not lead to that end.

If you have enough time to research every little thing I misspoke or got wrong, then you certainly have enough time to post to your very own blog. If you don't have a blog already, you should get one.

I am not good at debate. I never have been. Debate has rules that can be used to bury the truth or facts in a discussion. Debate does not allow for shooting my opponent between the eyes and yelling, "Rebut that motherfucker!" This is why I am not on a debate team.

A link to a web site will never trump my lying eyes. The argument there would have to be insanely good to convince me that I didn't see what I saw. Try to remember I was on the line in West Germany often on the Inter-German and Czechoslovakian borders, in 1987-89. I've seen what Communism looks like and don't want it imported here. Try not to make too much fun of the angry old man.

Much of my anger has to do with being punished for the actions of others.

On the topic of gun control: The core issue is that my guns have killed no one, let alone murdered someone. No gun control law yet passed affects the criminal more than me.

On racism: I've never owned a slave. My family has never owned slaves in recorded history. My family arrived here too late for the Civil war. I and my family have never oppressed. Therefore you are mad at someone else. Using the government to get even with "Whitey" is only tarring me with the same brush.

On Socialism/Communism: The only entity I owe money to is the bank holding my mortgage. I certainly owe my friends things and they owe me. Those associations are entered into freely and openly. I do not owe anyone else anything, nor do I think they owe me. I resent that my taxes are taken to feed and shelter people I don't know. Other than sucking O2, what have they done to earn it? This is punishing me because they are lazy.

On Equality: I have absolutely no objection to equal. But equal is where I draw the line. I will not abide a reversal of positions just because my Dad and Grandfather were racists or sexists (they weren't racists). Go after them, not me. But things must be equal.

Now! If you want to not trip my trigger, when you are part of a group that espouses that I must be punished for the trespasses of others, you must be crystal clear that you are not just rephrasing what the greater organization said in a new and novel way. Without such a clear statement, when a black Democrat talks about the civil rights movement, redistribution of wealth and the Constitution being a barrier, it gets read as reparations to slaves. By the way, the last slave died years ago.

I care far more about what people do than what they say. For example, I have heard from Michele Evermore that Sen Harkin is pro-gun because he's told her that. I know that he votes anti-gun though. There's a dissonance between what he says to her and what he does on the Senate floor.

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