25 October 2008

Attempting To Say What I Mean

Here goes.

I cannot recall all of the experiences that led me to my beliefs. I do know I have not encountered anything that has altered them significantly. I definitely cannot express the point of view I have into words.

I can try with some things. I saw East Germany. Germany invented the car. Democratic West Germany had BMW, Mercedes, Daimler and Volkswagen. Communist East Germany had the Trebant. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trebant ) Trebbies made Yugos seem like well designed and built cars. The disparity between East and West was shocking. West Berlin was like any other West German city. East Berlin still showed damage from World War Two. The inhabitants were depressed and downtrodden in a way that I cannot convey.

The Germanys started at the same place at the end of WW2. The three sectors controlled by the democracies (France, Great Britian and the USA) became West Germany. The Soviet controlled sector became East Germany.

Just how bad East Germany was seems to have sucked down the memory hole.

I saw it first hand. This is what Communism does.

Communism is a form of Socialism. Specifically, it's Socialism that comes from the top down instead of the worker up. There are other definitions, of course, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism ) but this one makes a usable distinction from what Marx put down. The Democrats have gone Socialist, and I must fight against it and them.

Until recently, the Republicans were not Socialists. Republicans In Name Only (RINO) are Socialist Lite. McCain is sort of halfway between the old Republicans and the RINOs. Not that he's really taking a middle stance, he just swings across the entire range and it averages to halfway.

My Great Grandfather Natto fled Italy one step ahead of the secret police in the 20's; he left behind at least three children. He pounded into our little heads when he saw us playing 'war' that Communists, Facists and Socialists were all leftists.

I know I have belabored the point before, all the leftists when they take power become totalitarian. The first step down that road is gun control. Notice that every single anti-gun measure introduced in the last 74 years has been started by a Democrat. Would you trust them? The few repeals of the gun crap we've had have been spearheaded by Republicans, including their Supreme Court nominees.

The Constitution is a ridiculously simple document. Read it, it only takes about an hour. Now, consider the humor in the ACLU worrying about the border patrol's "Constitution Free Zone". Dude, it's the entire fucking country and it's been like that since around FDR. Do a bit of searching for what's been justified under the commerce clause. Don't forget to check out (http://www.stoptheaclu.com/ ); especially the ten reasons they founded and the 10 myths about the ACLU. The first thing I want you to notice in those lists is when they make a statement, they give a link right there in the text to their supporting information. This sort of thing is common in the right wing blogs and is almost entirely absent in the left, almost like they don't want you do your own research because if you do you will not find concurring information.

I started noticing this back around 1993. That's my domestic political awakening. 15 years of seeing this country creep ever closer to East Germany. I feel like a trapped, caged wolf and people keep poking me with a stick. I alternate between "oh what NOW?" and "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Lately, I have felt that we could turn it around and reverse the bullshit from FDR to now. We just need time. But more importantly, we need to keep the Democrats from getting both houses and the presidency at the same time. My favorite snob refers to the Dems as "The Evil Party" and the Republicans as "The Stupid Party". They are apt descriptions. Want evil or stupid? Me either, but we have to choose one.

Voting for a third party is a defacto vote for the winner from the major two, as is not voting. Your best hope is to get involved locally and hope you can get people who agree with you in and they keep moving up the hierarchy. The Democrats have a problem from this direction in what is called a "Blue Dog Democrat". It hasn't caught on in the large cities, but it might be getting larger.

That's it for now. This is as rational as I can put it.

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